The FIMO 50 World Project

paris_03 paris_04 paris_05Next year, the polymer clay brand FIMO turns 50. The FIMO 50 World Project is a part of the anniversary. It is a collaborative experience and at the samt time an international charity action. People from all over the world are sending 10×10 cm tiles of polymer clay to FIMO that together will form a large-scale sculpture symbolizing the earth. In September 2016 this sculpture will be dismantled and every piece will be auctioned. All profits will be sent to two charity programs: Dr. Ron Lehocky’s Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies and the Samunnat community in Nepal.

I made my contribution just a couple of days ago. With the terrorist attacks in Paris in mind, my tile has the same colors as the French flag. The black horse symbolizes freedom. The blue and the red hearts symbolize peace and love.

Read more about The FIMO 50 World project on Facebook and in FIMOS homepage.

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